Why Wearing Blue Sapphire On Shani Amavasya Is More Beneficial?


According to the astrologers, Shani Amavasya is considered to be an auspicious event for Hindus. They believe that performing shradh of dead ancestors prove entirely benevolent on this day.

Shani Amavasya happens to occur twice or thrice in a year. And on this fateful day, by offering prayers to the ferocious planet Saturn, one can ensure prosperity and happiness in his/her life.

On account of Shani Amavasya, people often pay a visit to a “Shani temple” to appease Lord Shani. Especially, those ascendants who have been suffering from saadhe saati or severe Shani Mahadasha must-visit Shani Temple and offer him mustard oil, seeds, flowers, black clothes, and food.

The astrologers conceive that on this day, beseeching in front of Lord Shani will help a person to secure his blessings. And assists a person to get rid-off from the negative Shani Dasha.

It also helps a person to avail of unprecedented wealth, health and prosperity in his/her life. Therefore, one must avail of the benefits being offered by Lord Shani on this day.

To attain the maximum advantage on this pleasant day, one should wear lord Shani blessed blue sapphire stone. It is being stated by the astrologers that Shani retains its magical power in this rare blue stone.

Consequently, donning this powerful stone in the form of rings, necklaces, and other ornaments will yield enormous benefits out of Saturn.

Thus, one should wear a natural blue sapphire stone on Shani Amavasya for obtaining spiritual forces from Lord Shani. Apart from the people who are under bad Shani Dasha or facing saadhe saati, a normal person can also wear this powerful stone on this day to relish the celestial advancement being offered by Lord Shani.

It is quite common to see people in a dilemma over the use of blue sapphire stone. They presume that this stone is only restrained up to the people who are suffering from critical Saturn Dasha.

However, it is not true in all cases; on such an auspicious occasion like Shani Amavasya, even a healthy person can also wear this stone.

Having said so, before wearing a blue sapphire stone he/she must consult an astrologer to find out whether wearing this ferocious stone will prove favorable for them or not.

Understanding Shani Amavasya :

Shani Amavasya, also known as the no-moon day dedicated to Saturn, occurs when the sun and Saturn are in conjunction. This rare alignment is considered potent, as it intensifies the energies of Saturn and influences various aspects of life. Saturn, often associated with discipline, responsibility, is believed to bring about profound transformations during this alignment. Individuals often seek ways to harness and channel these energies positively, and wearing Blue Sapphire is seen as a means to achieve this.


 Blue Sapphire and its Connections to Saturn :

Blue Sapphire, also known as Neelam, is a precious gemstone associated with the planet Saturn in Vedic astrology. Saturn is known for its stern and disciplined nature, and Blue Sapphire is believed to harmonize and balance the energies associated with this celestial body. It is said to enhance focus, discipline, and the ability to overcome obstacles. Wearing Blue Sapphire is often recommended to those looking to mitigate the malefic effects of Saturn in their astrological charts.


The Synergy of Energies :


On Shani Amavasya, the cosmic energies are said to be at their peak, creating a unique window of opportunity to align oneself with the universal forces. The alignment of Saturn and the sun on this day is believed to amplify the impact of Blue Sapphire, enhancing its positive effects on the wearer. It is thought that wearing the gemstone on Shani Amavasya helps individuals attune themselves to the transformative energies of Saturn, leading to personal growth and spiritual development.

Tips for Wearing Blue Sapphire on Shani Amavasya :


  1. Consultation with an Astrologer :

Before wearing any gemstone, especially on auspicious occasions like Shani Amavasya, it is advisable to consult with a knowledgeable vedic astrologer. They can analyze your birth chart and provide insights into the potential benefits and risks associated with wearing Blue Sapphire.

  1. Quality Matters :

Ensure that the Blue Sapphire you choose is of high quality. Authenticity and purity are crucial when it comes to gemstones, as they directly impact their efficacy.

  1. Cleanse and Energize :

Before wearing the gemstone on Shani Amavasya, cleanse it with a mixture of milk and water and leave it under sunlight for a few hours. This is believed to enhance the gemstone’s positive vibrations.

Wearing Blue Sapphire on Shani Amavasya is deeply rooted in the principles of Vedic astrology, where the alignment of celestial bodies is thought to influence human life. This practice is not merely about adornment but is seen as a conscious effort to harmonize one’s energies with the cosmic dance of the planets. Whether you are a devout follower of astrology or simply intrigued by the mystique of gemstones, Shani Amavasya presents an opportune moment to explore the transformative potential of Blue Sapphire and embark on a journey of self-discovery and growth.

Frequently Asked Questions :

  1. Why is Shani Amavasya considered significant for wearing Blue Sapphire ?

Shani Amavasya is unique celestial alignment where the planet Saturn aligns with the sun. This alignment intensifies the energies of Saturn, making it an auspicious time for gemstone to harness the transformative powers associated with Blue Sapphire, a gem linked to Saturn in Vedic astrology.

  1. How does Blue Sapphire influence the energies of Saturn ?

Blue sapphire is belived to harmonize and balance the energies associated with Saturn . It is thought to enhance qualities such as focus, discipline, and ability to overcome obstacles . By wearing Blue Sapphire, individual aim to mitigate the malefic effects of Saturn in their astrological charts .

  1. Can anyone wear Blue Sapphire on Shani Amavasya , or is it astrologically specific ?

It is advisible to consult with an expert Vedic astrologer before wearing Blue Sapphire or any gemstone . The astrologer can analyze your birth chart and provide insights into whether wearing Blue Sapphire aligns with your astrological profile and whether it is suitable for you.

  1. What benefits can one expect from wearing Blue Sapphire on Shani Amavasya ?

The alignment of cosmic energies on shani Amavasya is belived to amplify the positive effects of Blue Sapphire . Wearers may experience enhanced focus , discipline and greater ability to navigate challenges . The gemstone is thought to facilitate personal growth and spiritual development .